Religious Health Codes

Most religions teach a health code to some extent. The most common teachings are abstinence from alcohol and drugs, as well as from pork and other meats. There are a few religions which are known for their more comprehensive code of health, particularly the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Sikhism, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Bible

Christianity at Large

The Bible speaks extensively about God’s commandments regarding man’s dominion over the earth, including (most significantly) what we eat. It is clear that the way we eat is inseparable from our health and prosperity, and also affects our relationship with God and with everything and everyone around us.

The Church of

Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints

In accordance with the Bible, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints teaches adherence to the Word of Wisdom, the law of health and temporal salvation received through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Seventh-Day Adventist

Adventism has deep roots back to the beginning of the Bible, and the beginning of mankind. Seventh-Day Adventists seek to go back to the original creation, to live as God commanded in the creation of the world. For that reason, Adventism adheres strictly to biblical teachings about health, nutrition, and man’s dominion over the earth.

The Qur'an


The Qur’an teaches abstinence from swine flesh (pork) and alcohol. Muslims only eat meat that is slaughtered according to Halal practices.


Baptized Sikhs are taught to abstain from meat and alcohol for the purpose of keeping the body pure. Sikhs are known for their hospitality in providing vegetarian meals throughout the world.

What do your scriptures, or what does your religion, teach about health and nutrition?
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