Loaded Guacamole

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Loaded Guacamole

This is the more peppery variation from Sweet Guacamole included in the breakfast recipes. As with any recipe, feel free to omit or add ingredients as desired. This guacamole is a welcome addition to most any dinner meal. Make extra so you have leftovers for later!


  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Celery
  • Onion
  • Bell Pepper
  • Cucumber
  • Avocado
  • Jalapeño (if you like a strong bite)
  • Salt (lightly), to taste


Mince the garlic first so bigger chunks don’t mix into the salsa without getting minced small. You may want to scrape down the sides to make sure no larger pieces are missed. Chop (with a knife) onions and celery into smaller pieces and add to the pull chopper or food processor, and likewise mince them small. Chop the rest of the ingredients and add to pull chopper or food processor. Blend to desired consistency (smooth or chunky). Salt to taste and serve. Storing an avocado pit in the prepared guacamole helps to keep the guacamole from turning brown.

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